Article 1 This association shall be called The Japan Association for Northern European Studies.
Article 2 The location of the secretariat of this association shall be at the place of employment of the secretary general.
Article 3 This association shall engage in activities whose purpose is the expansion of research of Northern Europe and the mutual networking of researchers.
Article 4 This association shall, in order to achieve the purpose specified in Article 3, engage in the following activities.
1. Hold research conventions, lectures, and symposiums
2. Facilitate networking between internal and external researchers, and research organizations
3. Issue publications to present research or networking 4. Other activities deemed appropriate by the board of directors as necessary to achieve the goals of the association
Article 5 Members of this association shall be classified as individual member, organizational member, or senior member.
1. Individual members are those who broadly study Northern Europe and bear the individual membership fee.
2. Organizational members are organizations concerned with the facilitation of research on Northern Europe, and bear the organizational membership fee.
3. Senior members are those who have paid individual membership fees for a total of 10 years or more, are aged 65 years and older, and bear the senior membership fee.
Article 6 To join this association, one must receive endorsements from two individual members, and pass the approval of the board of directors.
Article 7 Members must pay membership fees.
1. The amounts for the individual membership fee, organizational membership fee, and senior membership fee shall be established separately.
2. Those who default on their membership fee for over three years shall be regarded as resigned from the association.
3. The transition procedure from individual member to senior member shall be established separately.
Article 8 A general assembly shall be held no less than once per year, and votes will be determined by a majority of those in attendance.
1. Organizational members may send one person to attend the general assembly, and will be allowed the use of one voting ballot.
Article 9 This association shall appoint the following officers.
1. President, Vice President (no more than 2 people), Executive Director (3 people)
2. Directors (no more than 30 people)
3. Auditors (2 people)
Article 10 Officer terms of office shall be two years. This shall not preclude reappointment.
1. Officers shall be selected from among individual members, and in principle not over 65 years of age at the time they assume office.
Article 11 The president shall represent this association, and the vice president shall assist in this.
1. The president shall convene the annual general assembly as well as special meetings as necessary.
2. The president and vice president shall be limited to two terms of office.
Article 12 The auditors shall audit this association’s accounts, and supervise the execution of association duties.
Article 13 The directors shall organize the board of directors, and execute association duties.
1. Directors shall be elected at the general assembly.
2. The board of directors shall be established with the attendance of a majority of directors.
3. The president, vice president, and executive director will be mutually elected at the board of directors.
4. The president shall appoint the auditors.
5. The assumption of office of the president, vice president, executive director, and auditors shall require approval by the general assembly.
6. The president shall appoint the secretary general.
7. The board of directors shall establish various committees as necessary, and may delegate committee members.
Article 14 This association may nominate honorary members.
Article 15 This association shall set aside funds for expenses from membership fees and donations.
1. The association’s budget and settlement of accounts shall be determined after approval is passed from the board of directors and approval is obtained from the general assembly.
2. This association’s fiscal year shall start on April 1st and end on March 31st every year.
Article 16 Revisions to this agreement shall require two-thirds approval by members in attendance at the general assembly.
Established on November 16th, 2002
Revised on November 20th, 2004
Revised on November 25th, 2006
Revised on October 20th, 2006
Revised on October 23rd, 2015
1. Member fees (yearly fees) for the Japan Association for Northern European Studies are determined as follows.
Individual membership 8,000 yen
Graduate student membership 5,000 yen
Senior membership 3,000 yen
2. The account for wire transfer of membership fees is as follows:
Postal transfer: Account number: 00100-80579643 Account name: Kita yo-roppa gakkai
Established on November 16th, 2002
Revised on November 22nd, 2003
Revised on June 19th, 2016
9th Term Officers (2016 to 2018) Board Members
As of April 1st, 2017
President |
Etsuo YOKOYAMA (Nagoya Univ.) |
Vice President |
Takashi SUGANUMA (Rikkyo Univ.) |
Chino YABUNAGA (Toyo Univ.) |
Executive Director |
Nobu ISHIGURO (Osaka Univ.) |
Yoshie KINOSHITA (Tohokugakuin Univ.) |
Kenji SUZUKI (Meiji Univ.) |
Directors |
Ayae AKITOMO (Takasakikeizai Univ.) |
Akira ANAMI (Daitobunka Univ.) |
Yorimitsu OOKA (Chukyo Univ.) |
Ariyoshi OGAWA (Rikkyo Univ.) |
Toshihiro KAMIKAKE (Kyoto Prefectural Univ.) |
Uta TANABE (Osaka Univ.) |
Yutaka TAMURA (Aichitoho Univ.) |
Hiromi NAKAZATO (Meiji Univ.) |
Mariko HIROSE (Tokai Univ.) |
Yoshihiko FUKUSHIMA(Waseda Univ.) |
Nanako FUJITA (Nagoya City Univ.) |
Teiichi FUJIWARA (Government Pension Investment Fund) |
Ryozo MATSUDA (Ritsumeikan Univ.) |
Taro MIYAMOTO (Chuo Univ.) |
Nobuhiko YOSHITAKE (Takasakikeizai Univ.) |
Hiroaki WATANABE (Ryukoku Univ.) |
Auditor |
Ayuko AGEKURA (Tokai Univ.) |
Miki KISHIDA (Setsunan Univ.) |
(Term of office: October 29th, 2016 to October 2018)
Decided by the General Assembly on October 29th, 2016